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Single Varietal Honey

Bee Warm
White Mahogany Honey

Jar 350g

White Mahogany Honey is pale amber to medium amber in colour with a sweet dusty forest aroma. It has a mild buttery caramel flavour with medium sweetness and a warm, sharp aftertaste. Slow to crystallise.

This is a rare honey and Limited Edition.

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BWWHMAJAR350_BeechworthHoney_WhiteMahogany_Jar (1)

Botanical Information

White Mahogany is part of the Myrtaceae family. Its bark resembles a Stringybark and is a medium sized tree usually around 30 metres in height. It flowers every two to three years but is sought after by beekeepers because it produces good amounts of pollen and nectar, necessary for bees to breed from.

Geographical Information

White Mahogany grows in good soils along the east coast of Australia, north of Sydney to the very north of Queensland.

About Single Varietal Honey

The flavours of single varietal honey reflect a plant source and its unique flowers, pollen and nectar. Our single varietal honeys are a true reflection of nature with each plant species creating distinctly different colours, tastes and textures of honey.


100% Australian Honey

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