
When it come to the production of honey, let’s not forget about the all important beeswax! Australia’s beeswax is world renowned for its purity. Being free of the worlds worst bee pests our beeswax is chemical free and perfect for your home DIY projects.

Canstar Blue Award 2022-2024

Australia’s Best Honey!

Australia’s Most Satisfied Honey Customers 2022, 2023, and 2024.

New Release


Bee Cause ‘Bees Are Amazing!’ Beeswax Food Wraps


Total: $15.95


4 variants

Beeswax Product

Beeswax Block


Total: $35.00


Candles Gifts & Packs

Rolled Beeswax Candles

Gift Pack x5 $79.00

Total: $79.00


Candles Gifts & Packs

Rolled Beeswax Dinner Candles

Pack x6 $32.95

Total: $32.95


2 variants


Rolled Beeswax Candle – 6cm Wide


Total: $24.95


2 variants


Rolled Beeswax Candle – 8cm Wide


Total: $49.95



Rolled Beeswax Candle – Mini


Total: $4.50



Beeswax Jar Light Candle


Total: $4.50



Beeswax Mini Jarlight Candle 6 pack


Total: $19.95


Beeswax Product

Beeswax Furniture Polish

Tin 250ml $24.95

Total: $24.95